Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Russell Carl Bremmer

My name is Russell Carl Bremmer.

Russell Carl was born in Osceola County, Iowa on 3 December 1901, he was the second son of Carl Jerry Bremmer and Lucy Methesmith Sharpe.  He was named Russell after Dr. Russell (it was a common practice years ago, to name a child after a beloved family doctor) and Carl was Father’s name.  He was born on Dad’s twentieth birthday.
Russ was a good boy, industrious, sturdily built, athletic and always on the go.  Even as a child he had charisma, everyone was his friend and liked him.  This precious trait was inherited from both mother and father.  It helped make his life a success.  During his school days era, among others jobs he had a paper route and worked in a cigar store.
After he was grown, and had married Nellie, he went to work for the Rail Road as a ticket agent.  In time he joined the Union Pacific R.R., moving to Cheyenne and Rock Springs, Wyoming.  From there he progressed to the Union Pacific in Los Angeles.  Very soon he was Service Representative in the Hollywood office, making travel  arrangements for VIP’s traveling by rail.  About this time they adopted the infant Mildred Ellen, the daughter of Nellie’s deceased sister.  This was their only child.
The next move of Russ and his family was to San Diego where Russ purchased the Saddlerock Restaurant, a very successful business operation.
After the returned to Burbank, he was associated with Avco Products and continually flew around the U.S. Promoting and selling their products.
Russell has always had countless friends, yet he has always kept his cool, not allowing himself to be used, his business abilities and undertakings always were successful.  After retirement, he and his wife bought a beautiful mobile home in Carlsbad, California.  In January 1982, after sixty one years of marriage, he lost his wife Nellie. 

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